As Days Go By...

...a study in the use of sarcasm, cynicism and just plain me-isms!

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Location: North Carolina, United States

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Still waiting...

well, a couple months have gone by. still no budding baby bump. guess the tadpoles are either late diving in to the pool OR just missed the invite all together. that's okay... will keep trying.

though, i've decided the hubby is avoiding me at the appropriate dates on purpose. this comes after his scare at Buggie's bday party. he says he got swarmed by midgets while opening presents. thus, rendering him "unwilling" to have another child. :P

crazy man! i love him anyways.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

CD 26

so it's cycle day 26... the girls are still feeling a bit sore & i have some i'm gonna hazard a guess that good ol' aunt flo will show up & make a nuisance of herself. Mother Nature is a prime bitch, you know?

watched the season finale of teen mom 2... UGH! the only teen mom i really like is Leah & her hubby, Corey. they seem like the really have things going in a productive path.

Chelsea~ takes back loser ex/b-friend & ought to nail his ass to wall for child support. money for "boy toys" but not to make sure his daughter is diapers.

Kailyn~ seems to have it together but stirs the pot when ex-b-friend, jo, snaps. sometimes less is more...

Jenelle~ is a fucking trainwreck! she doesn't give a flying fuck regarding her son! and while it is good her mom gives her chances, it has gotten past the point of ridiculous. AND then they end the season w/ her bailing her coke-head b-friend out of jail. the same guy, who is partially to blame for her ending up jail. there was some real thought behind that move! pick yourself up & have some pride damn it! pay attention to your child or find him a home where someone will!


25 Things You Should OR Now Know....

1. i find it hard to believe that i'm a mommy some days. not b/c i don't want to be a mommy but b/c it was so hard to get to this place. that & add to fact that now that my long awaited bundle has arrived he is already growing up too fast & i'm already sound like my parents LOL (it does indeed happen)

2. i'm deathly afraid of spiders... they bring me to tears but i'm brave occasionally when times really call for me to be (thanks suzanne for making me think of this... i feel for you with your snakes)

3. i have fabulous family who i wish i could see more of, particularly my cousin & her hubby! DC is just too damn far away for dropping in with each other!!! regarding this family, we always have a great time especially w/our year sojourn to KY (is it may yet???)

4. i love to write. i've written a children's book (to be illustrated) & i realize that really it's too long to be illustrated on EVERY page so i really need to re-format it.... i wonder when that will happen... & better yet i wonder where my copy of said book is???? see what happens when you move!

5. i love my life... i.e. my hubby & my son! i really truly wouldn't trade it for anything... yeah it's hard & times can be tough but really i love it all; although anyone who would like to pay my bills is more than welcome to

6. i went to school for english (journalism) & art (photography) with the idea of doing photojournalism... i now realize that i can't do squat w/said degrees...not really anyways... so now i'd LOVE to go back for nursing... i can hear some "i told you so" type remarks

7. i realize that i missed out on some pretty cool "adventures" when i would get too involved with a new boyfriend... though i suppose it doesn't matter now since i'm married LOL except that i do need to realize it is okay if i go out & do w/o my spouse LOL (but really i'd rather be w/him anyways)

8. college was some of the best times i ever had. ESPECIALLY once i met james & went to frat functions w/him. i MISS being mama jen & having a feeling of being loved for just being me!!! delta sig all the way. i love my frat guys & their mates!

9. i don't mind doing laundry... but something about getting put away constantly eludes me... so i tend to wear it straight out of the basket.

10. since jimmy is mobile i can't seem to keep up w/my chores & i really don't even care LOL... it's much more fun to play w/him!!! all my mommy buddies i'm sure can sympathize (or i hope so anyways)

11. i want to travel... EVERYWHERE but i seriously lack the funds to do so!

12. i love photography & want to have my own business... anyone need photos? i have thousands of pics my boy & i look forward to taking them all his life (he'll probably hate me for it)

13. i don't remember 1/2 of our wedding & certainly don't seem to remember some of the people there... also i didn't eat a thing hardly & was dead tired

14. i love to sing but really can't carry a tune in a bucket... that is what the car if for right

15. i would do anything for my friends.... i've even taken people in & treated them really well only to realize in hindsight that i was being seriously used

16. i adore giving gifts... nothing brings me more joy than to watch someone open gifts (however, see above about how that can backfire)

17. i brood too much & over-analyze considerably....equaling hurt feelings (probably over something stupid if truth be told)

18. i'm a worry wart.... arrive when you say you will, call if you will be late.... i think this stems from the death of my father when i was little. (my mom's the same way)... now if i can just get james to get this

19. i love horseback riding & still own my horse... hopefully i'll get back into it this year although both the horse & i are both out of shape

20. i love wnc but hate the amount of people that live in my town... particularly old farts that can't drive worth a damn

21. i want to have a 2nd child but worry that it'll be as equally hard to concieve plus the fact that i can't see bringing a child into the world if we are having money issues

22. i'm a softee & will give any furry pet a home....much to my mom & hubby's dismay

23. i love to drive a vehicle w/a manual transmission.... but mine doesn't have one.... i also love to race but am now very cautious when driving due to jimmy riding w/me

24. i cry over commercials & all kinds of things.... i didn't used to do this UNTIL james came along & i guess he really opened me up & now i'm a big ball of GUSH

25. i found this really hard to do b/c i was really trying to put things that people didn't know about me...

Friday, March 18, 2011

return of the yuckies

i guess you would say i'm having an endo attack. UGH i haven't had one of these since before i concieved my LO. Terrible pains on right side about the location of my ovary & if i stretch it feels like things are tearing apart. not the worse i've had but since it's been a while it is noticeable. ironically, the worst attack i ever had was right before we concieved.... & more added irony is the fact that my hubby is in VA & i am here in WNC :P go figure!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Awesome Occurence

So Bear got me a netbook when he was home last weekend.  what an awesome guy!  the idea is that 1. i don't have to wait around for websites to load up (b/c our desktop is 7 years old) & 2. w/ the built-in webcam now we can skype & Buggie can see his Daddy. 

So we had our 1st skype experience the other nite while visiting mom & dad.  Buggie was too cute. got so excited seeing his daddy. and when he was signing off, he hugged the computer screen.  AWWW! what a sweet boy!  then Bear & i got to chat last nite & that was nice. i love being able to see my Bear's face.  makes me so anxious & ready for our next session.

and in other news, i noticed today i have EWCM.  go figure, Bear is away & i'm potentially fertile.  <sigh> maybe if i'm lucky we'll have caught the lil' swimmers when he was home.  


Heart Of Sand

Click Here For Images &
Heart Of Sand Pictures - Pictures

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

4 years later...

yup. so i'm a terrible blogger! guess that's what happens when life catches you by the hair & swings you 'round & 'round.  so what's happened? let's see:

1. bought a camper (april '07)
2. FINALLY got pregnant (may '07)
3. had a beautiful baby boy (february '08)
4. got in a HUGE fight w/ MIL (may '08)
5. bought a house & moved across county (not country, however tempting) (july '08)
6. stay-at-home mom for my boy (february '08-november'08 & july '09-present)
7. hubby got a new job, HOORAY! 
8. TTC #2 (august '10-present)

pretty full platter, i guess.  or full enough to keep me from blogging. 

the TTC saga isn't so bad this time around.  partially b/c we have a miracle baby already. i am determined to be zen about this.  but now it's been 7 months & nothing.  hubby is expressing mixed signals. i have mixed feelings myself.  ERGH! what to do, what to do?!  guess we'll figure that out before too long we hope

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Okay so remember I said I was gonna buy Chey a new PURPLE shirt? well i did and people still called her a BOY! hello? anyone home? it's lavendar for goodness sake! also the woman i spoke to didn't get the fact that i said everyone thinks she's a chi-wa-wa. silly lady, but nice all the same. Right now my girl is snuggled up on the couch taking a nap. I took her to the park on monday and she took a flying leap into the creek. then she looked at it like it had come out of the banks and tried to eat her LOL. what a crazy pup. guess that's it for now! ya'll have a good day!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Our new baby.

Okay so I thought I'd take the chance to blog here... for one thing I can reach a different audience than I can at my myspace. So I just wanted to tell everyone that we got ourselves a new baby. Her name is Cheyenne and she is almost 5 months old. She is a redhead like her daddy (well, her human daddy). She is a Dauchshund/Pomeranian. Does that make her a Dauchseranian? She is such a character. About as wild as they come! In the pic above she is sporting her sweatshirt. This past weekend, I had to buy her a purple shirt b/c people kept mistaking her for a BOY!!! We can have that, can we? Now, she looks like the proper little girl!